Top 5 Tropical Fish For Beginners (New Fish Keepers)



Top 5 Tropical Freshwater Fish for Beginners (New Fish Keepers):

Tropical fish are found in aquatic tropical environments around the globe, such as freshwater & salt-water fish. Tropical is a term used for species found in tropical environments, mostly those hobbyists keep in warm fish tanks.

Such fish are available in bright colours. The bred fish may have long fins. Some of them are hybrids of more than one species.

Tropical fish need a filter for cleaning water, & producing enough beneficial bacteria to avoid fish from stress & dying. Make sure you have an aquarium light & certain species will need a heater too. Also, change water on a weekly basis to remove certain chemicals that cannot be removed using filters & add fresh de-chlorinated water to your aquarium.

Below you can find a list of tropical fish recommended for beginners:


1. Neon Tetra:

Neon Tetra are tropical freshwater fish. They have vibrant colours & good behaviours. They are famous freshwater fish & many fish keepers keep them in their aquariums. They do not need high care & are peaceful. Due to their beautiful colours & little size, they are very popular aquarium fish. They are omnivores & can live up to 8 years, but their life span in aquariums is usually 5 years. Neon Tetra fish love swimming & need a large tank despite their small size. They need free space for swimming. Also, make sure you have a filter in your aquarium. Neon Tetras are classified for beginners because they do not need much care & it is easy to maintain their aquarium.

Best Tropical Fish for New Aquarists: Neon Tetra

Best Tropical Fish for New Aquarists: Neon Tetra

Neon Tetra will live happily in a big aquarium having a minimum length of around 40 cm. In addition, they need an aquarium heater. In the wild, they prefer to live in dark regions that are heavily-planted, & provide many hiding spots for fish. Make sure you add live aquatic plants to the aquarium for providing a natural green environment to your little friends.

2. Fancy Guppy:

Guppies are famous tropical fish recommended for beginners. They are available in different colours. They are peaceful freshwater fish, & hobbyists keep them in community aquariums. They do not need high maintenance.

Around 300 types of guppies are available. They have different colours, sizes & tail shapes. They are the best addition to freshwater fish tanks.

Fancy Guppies are hard, & have different colours for extra beauty compared to ordinary guppies. More innovative colours are the results of selective breeding. They are little but bright in colours, & have a very fancy tail.

Guppies are common fish that are available at every pet store, & they have been bred to show a variety of colours, patterns, & fin types. They are available worldwide, & their price may change from place to place but it is roughly around 2 – 3 dollars. Make sure you have at least 5 gallons of water in the aquarium before adding fancy guppies to it.


3. Swordtail:

Swordtails are non-aggressive freshwater tropical fish. They live peacefully in community aquariums, & do not need high care or maintenance. However, if you add more swordtail males than females, then they may show aggression.

Best Tropical Fish for Beginners: Swordtail

Best Tropical Fish for Beginners: Swordtail

Swordtails are hard fish, & are a beautiful addition to your fish tank. They can be bred easily, & their unique colour varieties are the result of selective breeding. They add more colours & pleasure to your fish tank, & they are the top addition to a community tank.

An elongated species that can grow up to 5 inches in length. They look very similar to platies.

Swordtail fin types are unique & they are found in multi colours, known as Red Swordtails or Green swordtails. Nowadays, hobbyists are successful in achieving different colours due to selective breeding, so a number of different types are available.


4. The Zebra Danio:

The Zebra Danio is a little freshwater species. Zebra Danio is a very famous fish & many hobbyists around the globe keep them in aquariums & people selectively breed them. They are available in various colours & shapes.

Zebra Danios are tough & recommended for beginners. They are social fish, & add a spark to a community fish tank. They like to live socially in aquariums because of their non-aggressive nature.

You can see them in multiple colours, & they add diversity to the aquarium & change the appearance of your tank.

They are very common because they live calmly in community aquariums & do not need much care. You can buy them for a low price. Zebra Danio lives up to 5 & half years.

The beautifully striped, black & white zebra patterned body makes them easily recognizable. They are hard & can tolerate harsh conditions. They do great even without a water heater because they live happily in as low as 60 Degrees Fahrenheit.


5. Platy:

Platies are tough fish, & do not need much care. They are a colourful addition to any aquarium. Platies are active species available in a variety of colours. They are very popular & many hobbyists love to keep them in aquariums.

They are small species & can reach a max. length of around 3 inches. Their nose is pointed; they have large eyes & a thick body from nose to dorsal fins.

Top Tropical Fish for Beginners: Platy

Top Tropical Fish for Beginners: Platy

Platies are from Mexico & Central America, so they live in warm temperatures b/w 21 to 27 Degrees Celsius. Install a heater in the aquarium that keeps the temperature suitable for platies. Keep your aquarium water clean by adding a filter. Make sure you have a mechanical & biological filtration for purifying water & removing toxic chemicals released from fish waste. In addition, you can add some live plants to your aquarium to provide hiding places for Platies, cleaning your water & oxidizing it.

Platies do not need substrate. They sometimes swim near the bottom, but they do not interact with gravel or any other substrate. You can put substrate including gravel, sand or leave your aquarium bare bottom. Platies do not care whether you add substrate or not.


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