Pet Blogger Journey 2023 – Fidose of Reality



Fourteen years is a long time to be committed to anything these days. I’ve been a pet blogger for 14 years. Every year, a group of pet bloggers come together to share their annual journey.

I’m pulling back the green curtain and inviting you to take a peek behind the scenes at where Fidose of Reality has been, where we’re headed, and why you need to continue along for the ride.

Spoiler Alert: We have some big plans in the pet industry and with Cocker Spaniels. Here’s what you can expect in this article:

When Did You Begin Your Blog and What Do You Currently Blog About?

I’ve been pet blogging for 14 years. I’ve blogged for others, started a blog for a then-fledgling dog magazine, and eventually for myself.

In 2009 when I started, I focused on dogs and their health in general. I changed the direction of the blog years ago. Today I write about healthy living for Cocker Spaniels and their canine friends.

Healthy living includes dog health, behavior and training, nutrition, products and services, lifestyle, and helping Cocker Spaniels in need.

fidose of reality

Name One Thing About Your Blog or Goal That You Are Proud of Accomplishing in 2022

I have a few accomplishments of which I am proud from 2022:

  1. I increased the amount of monthly traffic to my blog.
  2. I signed on with a few brands, of which I am a major fan and continue on as a proud brand ambassador with others.
  3. I’ve diversified my revenue generated from the blog.
  4. I won an essay contest with DoggyRade, $500 cash and a $1,500 donation to a favorite Cocker Spaniel rescue group. Here’s the press release from Pet Business.
  5. I cleaned up my email list and created a landing page for DogMinder and a downloadable freebie with email signup.
  6. I crafted my first email funnel for Cocker Spaniel moms and dads.
  7. Deleted content that is no longer relevant and worked on updating older posts.
  8. Club Cocker Facebook group has grown and is a source of inspiration, teaching, learning, knowledge, and blog traffic. The group appeared in an article in Dogster online:
  9. I landed a client I’ve wanted to work with forever. They approached ME! #squee
  10. My wife is helping me more with behind-the-scenes blog things and we celebrate 30 years of marriage!

What Was The Biggest Blogging Challenge You Faced In 2022? How Did You Tackle It?

I asked myself when the last time I was a human being and not a human doing. I tend to work and work some more and then work again.

My biggest challenge not just in blogging, but a common theme in my life since childhood has been allocating work time and away-from-work time.

Losing my beloved Dexter in 2021 changed me right to my soul. His sudden and unexpected death, coupled with how we couldn’t find help for him in a life-and-death situation, shook me to my core.

TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE READING THIS: Find out where all your emergency veterinarians are and have lots and lots of backups. The pandemic changed everything. I wrote a blog article called What To Do If Your Emergency Vet Is Full based on our experience.

After heavy grieving for months and months and then opening my heart and home to Baby Alvin, a new me was born.

Raising a puppy is amazing and fun and tiring and just what I needed.

Life is too short to give it all to work, whether that is work from home or work in an office. I have a clear, dedicated work-life balance. This wasn’t so much a challenge as it was a revelation.

I decided to take my time, not rush my business plans, and enjoy my life, my wife, our puppy, and things outside of work.

Alvin puppy
Our little bundle of love, Alvin.

One Thing I Learned in 2022 That Can Help Us All Become Better Bloggers

Don’t lose sleep over AI. It’s here and it’s not going anywhere. Will it get better? Sure. Will it annihilate the creative, fact-based, well-researched written world? No.

There are a lot of fact-based articles on the topic of AI, but this one from Mashable should calm your fears. Like all tech, AI will get better. Roll with the changes and use the tools to help your writing goals. Don’t fear them. A pet blogger needs to be nimble.

What Are Your Three Top Blogging Goals For 2023?

  1. Increase my traffic and income with more content and clients. This blog and my clients are my career and source of income.
  2. Double my email subscriber list and continue with a high open rate.
  3. Implement dedicated videos to support the blog.

In A Perfect World, Where Do You See Yourself and Blog One Year From Now?

  1. My second pet industry-related business WILL launch by the end of February, 2023 and be financially successful. I delayed its launch on purpose.
  2. My first ebook will be complete.
  3. My wife and I have an idea for a spinoff to FidoseofReality that we need to flesh out and launch.

If You Had $1,000 To Spend On Your Blog, How Would You Spend It?

I’d love to go in on an SEO Tool like Ahrefs if someone in the pet blogger world is interested.

Anyone, anyone? Bueller? Bueller…

What Is One Skill You’d Like To Learn or Improve On In 2023?

How to grow my Instagram and increase video views elsewhere.

There are so many video options and I believe I landed on the two I plan to use more regularly in 2023.

If You Could Ask the Pet Blogging Community For Help With One Blog Challenge, What Is It?

  1. As a pet blogger, I’d love to meet with other pet bloggers at a conference that makes sense to attend, just as Colby Morita shared in his Puppy in Training blog post.
  2. How can I increase my Instagram and video views in general? Any good courses or solid tutorials you can recommend?
  3. Anyone interested in an SEO tool cost share for something like AHREFS? I am considering it.
  4. Is there any place online where intermediate to advanced pet bloggers are meeting to discuss concerns, vent, ask for help, give or take advice, etc? Do tell.

Thanks for reading and following Fidose of Reality. Here’s to a prosperous, happy 2023 for all!


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