Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food vs Kibble (Which is Right For Your Dog?)



As a dog owner, you want to make sure that your best friend is getting the best possible nutrition. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right type of food for your pet.

Freeze dried raw dog food and kibble are two popular choices that offer their own unique benefits and drawbacks.

In this article, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of freeze dried raw dog food vs kibble and help you make an informed decision about which approach may be best for your dog.

What is Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food?

Freeze dried raw dog food is a type of food that is minimally processed and retains the nutrients and enzymes of raw food.

This type of food is typically made by removing the moisture from raw meat and vegetables and then packaging them in a sealed bag or container.

Freeze dried raw dog food is an excellent source of essential minerals, vitamins and proteins. It is highly digestible and can help improve overall health and wellness in dogs.

Since the food is minimally processed, it is closer to the dog’s natural diet and can help reduce the risk of digestive issues, allergies and other health problems.

In addition, freeze dried raw dog food is a convenient and easy way to provide a balanced diet to your pet. The food is lightweight, easy to store and can be rehydrated by adding water or broth. This makes it ideal for pet owners who are on the go or who want to save time in preparing meals for their pets.

Thinking Of Switching To Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food From Kibble?

What is Kibble?

Kibble is a pre-packaged form of dry dog food that is convenient and easy to store.

It is typically made from ingredients like grains, vegetables and meat, which can provide essential nutrients for a balanced diet.

The ingredients are cooked and dried before being packaged, which gives the food a longer shelf life.

Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food vs Kibble (Which is Right For Your Dog?)

Kibble is a popular choice among pet owners because it is cost-effective and easy to find in most pet stores. It is also convenient for pet owners who may not have the time to prepare meals for their pets.

What Are The Benefits of Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food?

  • Provides essential nutrients: freeze dried raw dog food is a great source of essential minerals, vitamins and proteins. Since the food is minimally processed, it retains its natural nutrients and enzymes, which can help improve overall health and wellness in dogs
  • Highly digestible: freeze dried raw dog food is highly digestible and can help reduce the risk of digestive issues, allergies and other health problems in dogs. This makes it an excellent choice for pets with sensitive stomachs or food allergies.
  • Convenient and easy to store: freeze dried raw dog food is lightweight, easy to store and can be rehydrated by adding water or broth. This makes it ideal for pet owners who are on the go or who want to save time in preparing meals for their pets.

What Are The Benefits of Kibble?

  • Cost-effective: Kibble is typically less expensive than freeze dried raw dog food, which makes it a popular choice among pet owners who are on a budget.
  • Convenient and easy to find: Kibble is widely available in most pet stores and supermarkets, making it easy for pet owners to find and purchase.
  • Provides essential nutrients: Kibble is typically made from a variety of ingredients, including grains, vegetables and meat, which can provide essential nutrients for a balanced diet.

Considerations When Choosing Between Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food vs Kibble

  • Cost: freeze dried raw dog food is generally more expensive than kibble, due to the minimal processing and high-quality ingredients used in the manufacturing process.
  • Improved Digestion and Nutrient Absorption: One of the key advantages of freeze dried raw dog food is that it is more easily digestible for dogs compared to kibble.

The freeze-drying process helps to preserve the nutrients and enzymes in the food, making it easier for your dog’s digestive system to break down and absorb the nutrients.

This means that your dog is more likely to get the essential nutrients they need for optimal health and well-being.

  • Reduced Risk of Allergies and Sensitivities: Many dogs suffer from allergies and sensitivities to certain types of food, particularly those containing grains and fillers.

Freeze dried raw dog food is typically free from these ingredients, making it a good option for dogs with allergies or sensitivities.

Additionally, because freeze dried raw dog food is made from high-quality, natural ingredients, it is less likely to contain artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives that can also trigger allergies and sensitivities.

  • Convenient and Easy to Store: While some people may assume that freeze dried raw dog food is difficult to store and prepare, the reality is that it is actually quite convenient and easy to use.

Many brands come in resealable bags or containers that make it easy to keep the food fresh and because it is freeze dried, it does not require refrigeration.

This makes it an ideal choice for pet owners who may have limited storage space or who are always on the go.

  • Enhanced Flavor and Palatability: freeze dried raw dog food is often more flavorful and palatable than kibble, thanks to the use of high-quality, natural ingredients.

This means that even picky eaters are more likely to enjoy the taste and texture of freeze dried raw dog food, which can encourage them to eat more and maintain a healthy weight.

  • Improved Dental Health: One of the lesser-known benefits of freeze dried raw dog food is that it can help to improve your dog’s dental health.

The chewing and gnawing required to eat freeze dried raw dog food can provide benefits to your dog’s all-around dental health in conjunction with regular canine oral hygiene care.

Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food vs Kibble (Which is Right For Your Dog?)

However, the cost of freeze dried raw dog food can be a major consideration for some pet owners.

Freeze dried raw dog food is generally more expensive than kibble, with prices varying depending on the brand and the quality of the ingredients used.

This can make it difficult for pet owners on a tight budget to provide their dogs with a high-quality diet.

Another consideration when it comes to freeze dried raw dog food is that not all brands are nutritionally complete. It is important to read the label carefully to ensure that the food you choose provides all the essential nutrients your dog needs for good health.

Some brands may require additional supplements to be added to ensure nutritional balance, so it is important to consult with your veterinarian or a pet nutritionist if you are unsure about which brand to choose.

In addition, some dogs may not enjoy the taste or texture of freeze dried raw dog food. This can make it challenging to introduce the food gradually and can lead to reluctance or refusal to eat it.

Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food vs Kibble (Which is Right For Your Dog?)

However, this can often be overcome by gradually mixing in the new food with the old over a period of several days or weeks, until your dog is fully transitioned to the new diet.

When it comes to kibble, one of the main considerations is the quality of the ingredients used. While kibble can be a convenient and cost-effective way to feed your dog, some lower-quality brands may contain fillers or by-products that offer little nutritional value.

Look for brands that use high-quality, whole-food ingredients and avoid those that list generic ingredients like “meat by-product” or “animal digest.” When it comes to raw feeding, some owners are happy to feed, store and prepare organ meat for their dogs, but there are obvious downsides for a lot of people when it comes to handling such raw food.

Another consideration when it comes to kibble is that it is a processed food that has been cooked at high temperatures, which can destroy some of the nutrients.

Additionally, the preservatives used to keep some, less high-quality kibble fresh can be a concern for some pet owners, as some of these chemicals have been linked to health problems in dogs.

Ultimately, the decision between freeze dried raw dog food and kibble will depend on your individual dog’s needs and preferences, as well as your own lifestyle and budget.

Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food vs Kibble (Which is Right For Your Dog?)

Both types of dog food can provide a balanced diet for your pet, but it is important to choose a high-quality brand dog food brand and to ensure that your dog is getting all the essential nutrients they need to maintain good health.

In conclusion, both freeze dried raw dog food and kibble can be excellent options for feeding your dog. freeze dried raw dog food is a highly digestible, convenient and nutrient-dense option that can offer a wide range of health benefits.

Kibble, on the other hand, is a pre-packaged and cost-effective option that can provide essential nutrients for a balanced diet.

Whatever type of food you choose, be sure to read the label carefully, choose a high-quality brand and consult with your veterinarian or a pet nutritionist if you have any questions or concerns about your dog’s diet.

With the right diet and care, you can help your dog live a healthy, happy and active life.

5 Reasons Why Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food Could Be Better For Your Dog Than Kibble

  1. Nutritional Quality: freeze dried raw dog food typically contains higher quality ingredients than kibble. While kibble may be convenient, it is often made with lower-quality meat and by-products. freeze dried raw dog food, on the other hand, often includes high-quality meat, vegetables, and fruits. This can result in a more nutrient-dense and well-rounded diet for your dog.
  2. Digestibility: The ingredients in freeze dried raw dog food are minimally processed and more easily digestible than kibble. This means that your dog can better absorb the nutrients from the food, leading to better overall health and wellness. Additionally, freeze dried raw dog food is often free from common allergens like wheat, soy, and corn, making it easier for dogs with food sensitivities to digest.
  3. Convenience: While kibble is certainly convenient, freeze dried raw dog food can also be a convenient option. freeze dried raw dog food is easy to store, and can be rehydrated quickly when it’s time to feed your dog. Additionally, many brands offer pre-portioned packs that can be easily taken on the go, making it a great option for active pet owners.
  4. Taste and Variety: freeze dried raw dog food comes in a variety of flavors and textures, which can help keep your dog interested in their food. Since freeze dried raw dog food is minimally processed, it retains more of its natural flavors, which can be very appealing to dogs. Additionally, freeze dried raw dog food can be mixed with kibble or other foods to add some variety to your dog’s diet.
  5. Health Benefits: There are many potential health benefits to feeding your dog a freeze dried raw diet. For example, some studies have shown that feeding dogs a raw diet can help improve coat and skin health, reduce inflammation, and improve digestive function. Additionally, many dog owners report that their dogs have more energy and a healthier weight when eating a raw diet.
Make The Switch To Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food

Overall, while kibble may be a convenient and cost-effective option for many dog owners, freeze dried raw dog food offers a number of advantages in terms of nutritional quality, digestibility, convenience, taste, and health benefits. As with any dietary change, it’s important to do your research and talk to your veterinarian to determine what type of food is best for your individual dog.

Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food vs Kibble (Which is Right For Your Dog?)

If you’re looking to give your dog the best possible nutrition, consider giving Dr. Marty’s freeze-dried raw dog food a try. With high-quality ingredients and advanced preservation technology, Dr Marty’s food can help improve your dog’s overall health and wellness. Follow the link below to learn more and place your order. Your dog will thank you for it!

Give Dr Marty’s Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food A Try Today »

This article was created as branded content supported by Dr. Marty’s pet food.


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