Clicker Challenges for Fun! | HippoLogic ->



Join our community for a new Clicker Challenge each month and develop the bond with your horse while having fun.

In a Clicker Challenge you’ll get a challenging assignment to train within two weeks. Each Challenge helps you teach your horse multiple behaviours that you have to chain together.

5 Skills that you’ll develop in the Clicker Challenges:

  • Chaining behaviours together
  • Putting behaviours on cue
  • Building duration in exercises
  • Teach your horse to listen, even from a large distance
  • Fading out clicks & treats without losing behaviours

On the 1st of each month you’ll get access to a new Challenge! In our community you’ll work together to accomplish your challenge. We start February 1st, 2023 with the first challenge.

Each Challenge has 4 levels: from absolute beginner to expert and 2 levels in between. You can pick the level of your choice and when you’ve accomplished it, you can aim for a higher level. Each level builds upon the previous level, to help you move through the levels faster.

In the Challenge Community you’ll get Accountability to do fun stuff with your horse that helps you develop his skills, as well as your own.

All Challenges include one or more foundation behaviours and may include a husbandry skill or include a trick training aspect. What they all have in common is that you’ll learn advanced skills and training techniques to help build a better bond with your horse.

HippoLogic Clicker Challenge Community
  1. Back Up Challenge
  2. Farrier Challenge
  3. Movement Challenge
  4. Send Challenge
  5. ‘Trailer’ Challenge
  6. Movement Challenge
  7. Stay Challenge
  8. Spray bottle Challenge
  9. Pick Up Challenge
  10. Mounting Challenge
  11. Recall Challenge
  12. Jingle Bells Challenge

Rules of the Challenges

  • Everything has to be taught with positive reinforcement only (that’s why it’s called a Clicker Challenge)
  • You can use whatever bridge signal you prefer, it doesn’t have to be a clicker
  • During the training phase you are allowed to click and reinforce/use keep-going signals/encourage your horse verbally as much as you need
  • During the training phase you are allowed to use props (like a target stick, mat, cone) to help your horse understand your criteria. You can fade these out in the final stage and before you film your final video.
  • Punishment and negative reinforcement are not allowed!
  • Share videos of your results in our secret FB group  (not mandatory, but it’s very helpful to get feedback and coaching is included!)
  • In your final video (last day to admit is on day 14) you are allowed to bridge and reinforce once
  • The final video must be: one take, no editing (you may shorten the video)

There are 4 levels of difficulty:

  1. Purple level for novice horses and/or trainers who just started clicker training
  2. Green level for green horses (that have no previous clicker training XP) or trainers that are relatively new at clicker training
  3. Blue level for advanced clicker horses and/or advanced trainers
  4. Red level for expert clicker horses and/or expert clicker trainers

Contact me to join us!

Happy Horse training!
Sandra Poppema, B.Sc., founder of HippoLogic
Are you inspired and interested in personal coaching in a group or do you want to have access to online clicker training courses and a fabulous, supportive R+ community, then join our HippoLogic Clicker Training Academy. Apply today!

Sandra Poppema, BSc
Founder of HippoLogic
Enhancing Horse-Human connections through clicker training


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