“Dogs Are Magic In Every Sense Of The Word”



Patti Negri is an international bestselling author, podcaster, psychic medium and “good” witch. She is best known for her recurring role on the Travel Channel and Discovery Plus show Ghost Adventures.

She is a partner/owner in Paraflixx streaming service and owns University Magickus, an international online Mystery and Spirituality school – or “real life Hogwarts,” as she likes to call it!

Patti Negri: "Dogs Are Magic In Every Sense Of The Word"

Patti was voted #1 psychic, medium, trance medium, tarot reader and witch/magickal practitioner in the world in the internationally recognized competition by Times Square Press.

Patti’s body of work includes appearances on such shows as Master Chef, America’s Got Talent and Portals To Hell.

Patti hosts her popular podcast, The Witching Hour, and can be heard on nationally syndicated radio with Adam Corolla, Jason Ellis, Mancow Muller and Coast to Coast with George Noory.

Patti Negri: "Dogs Are Magic In Every Sense Of The Word"

She has graced numerous magazine covers, contributed to over 20 books and conducted seances on radio, film and TV working with such legends as Emma Stone, Josh Duhamel, Martin Sheen and Gregory Hines.

Patti caught up with K9 Magazine to talk about her dogs, work and life.

Tell us all about all the dogs you’ve loved in your life. (this is your chance to tell us everything about your dogs, past or present. Names, ages, breeds – we want to know everything!)

Dogs have been a part of my life since the day I was born! From my terrier Tippee as a toddler and my cockapoo Cricket growing up to my beloved Penelope, Dora and current canine love, Willow!

For the last 16 years, I have been a “doxie” girl! I fell in love with the breed while in Texas and surrounded by 200 of these funny, intelligent, stubborn, short, beautiful beings!

I was helping run the “WienerNational” Doxie Races across the seven western states for a Wienerschnitzel Hot Dog chain campaign! It was the best gig ever!

Naturally, my next pup was doxie, Dora. The slowest, chubbiest, furriest girl on the racing circuit (Racing should be in quotes due to their often lack of running!). But Dora quickly became the crowd favourite!

As the other dogs all crossed the finish line, there was Dora almost halfway, wagging to the cheering crowd and playing to the television cameras! She was a star in the making.

Patti Negri: "Dogs Are Magic In Every Sense Of The Word"

Soon she was doing movies and TV (appeared in both Wiener dog racing movies), live appearances and calendars and even at the mature age of 13, made it on the cover of a magazine with Mike Tyson after stealing the show and becoming the “comedy duo of the century” on a TV competition show.

My new girl Willow is a real legitimate athlete, though. Truly one of the “fastest wieners in the West” by all accounts.

Unfortunately, about halfway through the race (usually in the lead), she turns around and returns to the starting gate. Yup, “Wrong Way Willow” is born.

I am hoping by this summer and the races at Los Alamitos Racecourse, she will decide to run forward the whole race, but if not, that’s okay…. I may have another “Miss Congeniality” on my hands…. And I am 100% good with that.

Dogs teach us love, joy and no matter how you run the race of life – have fun doing it!

You’re obviously a huge dog lover. How long have dogs been a major part of your life and how would you explain the importance of dogs to someone who hadn’t ever experienced the joy of a canine/human relationship in their life?

Dogs truly do teach us unconditional love and “living in the moment”! Something most of us can use more of. One look or wag can change your angry or sad mood to pure joy. They are magic in every sense of the word.

Patti Negri: "Dogs Are Magic In Every Sense Of The Word"

What are your favourite things to do with your dog(s)?

Willow has afternoon playdates with her neighbourhood friends in our very large and wild hillside backyard. Almost daily, 4 to 20 dogs of all shapes and sizes gather to romp and play before the sun goes down. Everybody gets along and plays so well together.

It truly is a beautiful sight to behold! Our other favourite thing is anything to do with the spotlight. Just like her predecessor, Dora, Willow has a love of the limelight.

At just eight weeks old she made it on Getty Images as a Hollywood Celebrity Sighting and now is gaining international popularity in her weekly “Willow Report” segment of my top-rated Witching Hour podcast.

Patti Negri: "Dogs Are Magic In Every Sense Of The Word"

You have a really interesting career… What advice would you give to the many people who wanted to follow your path in career terms? What are the absolute best (and worst) things about your work?

Whatever you do, especially if it’s something in the public eye – and especially if it is something in the spiritual or paranormal world, do it for the love and passion of doing it – not for any fame or fortune it may bring you.

Otherwise, you surely will be disappointed. The ones that rise to the top are the ones where fame is NOT their primary focus or goal. The absolute best thing about what I do is being able to help people.

Whether showing people new empowering perceptions on a Reality TV show – or doing a séance or Spirit Gallery at a convention or Paracon or one on one sessions.

The absolute worst thing is in this line of work you get a lot of scammers and people pretending to be you – from fake social media profiles to selling fake haunted dolls on eBay under your name. It hurts me to the core.

Here are our quick-fire questions. Are you ready?

Which do you prefer and why?

Big dogs or little dogs?

Little Dogs. They take up less space in the bed.

Calm, relaxed dogs or dogs who live at 100mph?

100 miles per hour.

Dogs who do as they’re asked most of the time or dogs who do pretty much whatever they like whenever they like?

Halfway in the middle! I want to see their personality and independence – but it would be nice if they came when called!

Patti Negri: "Dogs Are Magic In Every Sense Of The Word"

Dogs who love to walk by your side or dogs who like to race off and cover ten thousand yards in 3 seconds?

Walk by my side.

Days off or days at work?

What is a day off? Not in my vocabulary!

The fastest route or the scenic route?

Depends on where I am going.

Nighttime or early morning?

Both! (I don’t need much sleep)

Describe the last time you laughed out loud because of something you saw a dog do.

Thirty minutes ago – and pretty much several times a day!

Patti Negri: "Dogs Are Magic In Every Sense Of The Word"

What do you like to do in your downtime?

Play with Willow and our kitten Grace.

Let us in on a secret that very few people know about you.

I can’t! Then it won’t be a secret. Hehe. Just kidding. I am an open book. I am not sure what people don’t know if anybody actually wants to!

Animal charity(s)?

ACT (Animal Compassion Team and Blankets of Love. But any and all legit animal charities – need our help!

Tell us about some of the most memorable moments from your work.

They are countless! Almost daily, when I see a lightbulb go off in someone’s head, realizing they have the power to change what isn’t working or direct their life in a better direction, it warms my soul!

Patti Negri: "Dogs Are Magic In Every Sense Of The Word"

Finish the following sentence, “dogs are…”…


And finally, this is always a tough question and often requires some serious thought… If dogs had the ability to speak and you could ask your dog just one question and one question only, what would you ask them and what do you think that they’d say?

“What is the meaning of life?”

Willow would probably say: “To live it to the fullest!”

Patti Negri: "Dogs Are Magic In Every Sense Of The Word"

I would love to connect with the Magickal readers of K9 Magazine at my website www.pattinegri.com through my best-selling book on Amazon, or even in a University Magickus class!

Thanks, Patti!

Website: PattiNegri.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/patti.negri/
FB: Patti Negri Psychic Medium
Twitter: @pattiNegri
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0624468/
YouTube: Patti Negri

Photo Credits: Jeff Ezell


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