Home Remedy For Ear Mites in Cats



If you’re searching for a home remedy for ear mites in cats…we feel your pain!

Our sweet fluffy friends love to explore. Whether they’re roaming the garden or the neighborhood streets, their adventures can bring home with them a few unwanted visitors.

Ear mites are a common ailment amongst cats, and can also be passed to humans if not intercepted quickly. 

Worse yet, these tricky little pests like to cling to furniture and bedding. And even if you don’t have a cat of your own, coming into contact with an infected cat can put you at risk too.

While these mites are a nuisance, they can be treated, and like anything, it’s always best to catch it early! 

In this article we take you through the signs and symptoms of ear mites in your cats so you know what to look out for. As well as the best ways to treat the mites, including some home remedies to try, helping you to rid your home of ear mites for good.

Shall we get going then?

Key Takeaways – Home Remedy for Ear Mites in Cats

  • Ear mites can be picked up from your kitty exploring outside or visiting popular animal areas (like the groomers)
  • They can cause a huge amount of itchiness and discomfort for cats, so catching them early is vital
  • Signs and symptoms of ear mites in cats include: scratching, shaking their head, dark brown substance building in ears, inflammation and irritation, plus more
  • Some home remedies for ear mites in cats include: organic honey, Vaseline, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, olive oil and coconut oil

Home Remedies for Ear Mites in Cats

Ear mites are unpleasant little parasites that cling to your cat’s ears and cause itchiness and discomfort

They set up camp in the ear canal and sometimes even branch out to the surface of the skin. 

Cats will often pick ear mites up outdoors, like in grassy or woodland areas, or in other animal-frequented locations such as the groomers or pet shelters.

Ear mites are not life threatening. But they are extremely uncomfortable and can cause your cat a considerable amount of distress and irritation.

Ear mites can be passed from your cat onto other animals and even humans. So it’s vital to recognize the signs and symptoms of ear mites in your cat, to stop the spread of these nasty little critters.

Signs and symptoms of ear mites in cats

Signs and Symptoms of Ear Mites

Some of the main symptoms to look out for that may indicate your cat has been infected with ear mites include:

  • Scratches, cuts and hair loss surrounding the ears
  • A dark brown substance building up inside their ears – this may look like coffee grounds
  • The flap of their ear has begun to droop 
  • Visible inflammation and irritation
  • Pus and visible signs of further infection
  • Strong odor emanating from the ears

If left untreated, it is possible for an ear mite infestation to result in bacterial infections and the tearing of the eardrum. This can lead to further complications such as partial or full hearing loss

Once you are able to recognize and identify the signs and symptoms of ear mites in your cat, the quicker you can intercept the issue, get it treated, and have your kitty happy, healthy and up to their old tricks again.

Remedies for ear mites in cats

Traditional treatments for ear mites

If you think your cat has ear mites, the number one priority is to consult your vet to ensure a proper diagnosis and to rule out any other conditions or health issues

Your vet will likely prescribe a course of ear drops to help clear up the mites. They may also offer further guidance and advice on how to stop the spread of the mites and decontaminate your home from these unwelcome guests.

After diagnosis, your vet will typically clean your cat’s ears and prescribe a course of systemic or topical treatment solution. This is to eradicate the mites and ensure your cat’s return to comfort. 

It is vital that you complete the vet-recommended course of treatment, even if it looks like the mites have cleared up. By not fully completing a course of treatment, it can result in a re-emergence of the mites. And then you and your furry friend are back to square one.

While it is always recommended to consult your vet with any concerns, particularly when it comes to infectious conditions such as ear mites, we know some pet parents prefer not to use chemical treatments on their fur baby.

In that case, you can try researching a holistic vet in your area (which we talk about in our article: Holistic Veterinarians for Cats Explained.) Alternatively, there’s natural home remedies for ear mites in cats.

So here’s some of those natural home remedies to treat pesky ear mites, and also provide your cat with more comfort and relief from the unpleasant symptoms mites bring with them. 

Natural home remedies for ear mites in cats

Natural home remedies for ear mites in cats

Here’s a few home remedies for ear mites. So you can eradicate the mites and offer some soothing relief for your cat’s symptoms.

Organic Honey 🍯

Honey is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, and is often used as a natural antiseptic, helping to heal cuts and wounds. 

Not only that, honey contains beneficial antioxidants and is safe for cats to ingest. This makes it a great treatment option for any pet parents whose cat likes to sample things they shouldn’t!

Only ever use raw or organic honey (unpasteurised). This is because store brands are often predominantly sugar syrup and do not contain the beneficial properties of natural honey. 

Get a cotton ball and put it in a small amount of raw or organic honey. Then, rub the honeyed cotton ball in your cat’s ears and allow the honey to sit for 20 – 30 minutes.

After this time has passed, wipe the honey away gently with some warm water. 

This process should be repeated twice a day until the mites have completely cleared up.

Vaseline 🧊

Not just a family favorite lip balm for the colder months, Vaseline has also proved an effective treatment for ear mites

Also known as petroleum jelly, this product has intensive soothing properties. It also boasts effectiveness as an antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory treatment, aiding the recovery of minor burns and cuts. 

Apply the Vaseline twice a day to your cat’s ears. Repeat the process until the mites have been eradicated. 

While this is a very soothing product, be wary around cuts and abrasions. The thick texture of Vaseline can actually trap bacteria and dirt in the wounds, which can then result in further discomfort and complications. 

Be sure to keep any cuts and wounds well cleaned, to reduce the risk of further infections. 

Also be aware that cats should not ingest Vaseline. So take any necessary precautions to make sure your cat doesn’t get a taste of their treatment. 

Apple Cider Vinegar 🍎

Renowned for its health benefits amongst humans, apple cider vinegar can also be a beneficial ear mite treatment for cats. Not only does it help kill off bad bacteria, it can also reduce an animal’s blood pressure and cholesterol — pretty magic stuff, huh!

Fill a spray bottle with a half portion of the apple cider vinegar and half a portion of water and shake it up. You must dilute the vinegar.

Ensure that the spray feature on the bottle is gentle, to avoid the vinegar getting into anything other than the ears.

For 10 days, spray the affected ears with the solution once or twice a day. Keep an eye on the progress of the healing. 

Do not use this solution if your cat has open sores. The high acidity of the vinegar can be extremely uncomfortable if it comes into contact. 

Be wary to keep the solution away from your cat’s eyes. And watch for an allergic reaction in your feline friend, as some cats have an adverse reaction to apple cider vinegar.

Aloe Vera 🌱

A super soothing natural remedy, aloe vera is a firm favorite amongst humans for aiding in the healing of burns and calming skin irritations.

Apply the aloe vera to your cat’s ears until the mites have gone – easy as pie!

It is important to be aware that the aloe vera plant is toxic for cats, and so it is vital to ensure that your cat does not ingest any of the plant itself. 

Olive Oil and Coconut Oil 🥥

Not just a delicious dip for breads, olive oil is also antibacterial and can help reduce inflammation

Coconut oil has also become something of a health super-substance, known for its skill in fighting off bacteria, fungi and viruses. It also aids in weight loss and helps to lower the risk of heart disease

Warm up your oil to a comfortable temperature – it must not be too hot. Then get a few drops and gently massage it into your cat’s ears. 

Repeat this process several times a day, for up to 10 days. 

Remedy of ear mites in cats

Last Tips for Ridding Your Cat of Ear Mites Naturally

So, what have we learned about how to rid your sweet kitty of these bothersome critters?

  • Ear mites are unpleasant parasites which affect the ears of both animals and humans. They can be passed from one host to another.
  • They can cause intense itchiness and discomfort, as well as inflammation, infection, and in some cases torn eardrums and subsequent hearing loss.
  • The treatment of ear mites should be taken seriously as the mites are pretty infectious. When treating ear mites, it is vital to complete any course of treatment prescribed by your vet to ensure total eradication of the mites.
  • If you are ever in any doubt regarding ear mites in your cats, consult your vet to receive a full and correct diagnosis. Do this before proceeding with either medical or at-home treatments.
  • Natural remedies such as raw or organic honey, Vaseline, apple cider vinegar and olive oil or coconut oil can be great home remedy options. Especially if you prefer not to use chemical treatments on your cat.

So there we have it! Help your kitty keep those pesky mites at bay with appropriate vet prescribed treatment. Or if you prefer a more natural approach, give one of these home remedies for ear mites in cats a go.

If you liked this topic, then you may want to check out our article on Homeopathic Remedies For Cat Wounds too.

The health and happiness of our sweet boy Yoda is always top of our list, and so we make sure to keep a close eye on him and check regularly for signs and symptoms of ear mites.

Catching things early is often the key to a quick and full recovery, and so the sooner you intercept the symptoms the quicker your cat will be back on their feet and causing mischief.

As always, we love hearing from you. And we’d love to know if you have any safe and natural at-home remedies for ear mites, especially if they have proved effective for your kitty. Get in touch and let us know.

Stay safe out there, furry friends!


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