Using Baking Soda in Aquariums


[ad_1] Sharing is caring! Can you safely use baking soda in your aquarium? Yes, you can! There are quite a few benefits to using baking soda in your fish tank, including adjusting the pH level

Color Change, Diet, Tank Size and Lifespan


[ad_1] Hello there! If you’re thinking about getting a Lawnmower Blenny, you’ve come to the right place. The Blenny is a popular choice for saltwater aquariums. These fish are known for their cute and quirky

Assassin Snail Care Guide & Tank Set Up for Beginners


[ad_1] Assassin Snails (Anentome helena) are attractive, interesting, and very useful when in the right aquarium. In this guide, I’ll help you weigh up if an assassin snails are right for you, what kind of

The AI Prime 16HD Customizable Light Product Overview


[ad_1] Sharing is caring! Looking to keep expensive corals in your saltwater tank? Stock lights won’t cut it. You’re going to need a high-quality, completely customizable light that you can trust. For years, the AI

Diet, Tank Setup, Lifespan and Mates


[ad_1] Even though Purple Tangs are a bit pricey and somewhat aggressive, they are beautiful and rewarding fish species to keep in a saltwater aquarium. Their bright colors and large size allow them to quickly